以马忤斯路的命名反映了路加福音24章中的一段话, where Jesus, 在他复活后不久,他被看到和他的一些追随者一起散步, who fail to recognize him. 后来,他们的眼睛睁开了,他们才知道和他们在一起的人就是耶稣自己. 以马忤斯路寻求像耶稣一样,以普通的方式与人相处, 只需参与日常生活与全球ag娱乐官网和倾听. 以马忤斯路寻求成为一个像这段经文一样充满福音希望的团体, 让我们的眼睛被遇到的人和经历打开. 

Emmaus Road Information

2023-2024 Core Leadership Team

ER Director
Joy Sturges

ER Programming Coordinator
Karla Munoz

ER Business Manager
Ben Buskirk

ER Travel Manager
Audrey Whittle

ER Publicity Coordinator
Rebekah Steele

Descriptions of Experiences

Summer 2024

暑期体验是为期一个月的项目,让学生沉浸在全球ag娱乐官网的当地文化中, 他们主要住在寄宿家庭还是当地ag娱乐官网, learn from local practices of ministry, 与我们的伙伴一起体验全球教会的味道. 

申请截止日期为12月1日. Please email emmaus_road@aaay5.com with any questions. 

Westmont人类学教授的合伙人, Tito Paredes, 通过对话和参观文化遗址了解秘鲁文化, including Machu Picchu. 该团队将体验秘鲁的大都市和农村地区, 参与当地教会的社会项目. Assist World Vision 在秘鲁以各种身份工作,通常包括教育. 这个团队住在一所专为南美研究跨文化宣教的神学院里. 你将与神学院的学生发展关系, hosts who live at the seminary, and the Paredes family. 西班牙语口语能力被高度鼓励. 

DATES: May 13–June 4, 2024

Cultural Context: A bustling South American capital city; live at a seminary and learn about Peruvian culture through discussion and site visits
Faith Development: Experience Protestant and Catholic Christianity; seminary classes
Ministry: Community Development; supporting para-church organizations

Using a business as mission model, Sea Tribes 将我们的团队介绍到一个村庄,在那里住上几个晚上,目的是通过文化交流开始在那里播种王国的种子. 我们将与海洋部落合作,不仅播种新的种子, 但也要帮助培育那些已经播种的种子. 你和你的团队将和一个当地家庭住在一起,一起吃饭, go fishing together, cook together, 和村里的人一起做运动, etc. 你的团队将帮助海部落创造不仅了解东道国文化和人民的进展, 也可以通过一个限制进入国家的商业模式合法地分享基督教ag娱乐官网. 您的团队将有一个非常棒的沉浸式体验,同时接触到一个非阿拉伯穆斯林背景的事工,以及一个接触未得之民群体的商业宣教策略.

Dates: May 13–June 4, 2024

Cross-Cultural Context: 岛上村庄和穆斯林家庭的寄宿家庭
Faith Development: Sharing faith with Muslims; worshipping with SE Asian Christians
Ministry: Relational - Homestays with Muslim families; work projects on each island

In Lugazi, 当你与当地牧师哈德森·苏比和他的家人一起生活时,你和你的团队将有机会以一种新的方式与圣灵相遇. 你将体验生活在一个慢节奏的东非小镇,牧师哈德森带领他的教会 God’s House of Miracles, Faith Children’s Home, as well as a local primary school. 通过在教会讲道,参与传福音和事工, outreach at local schools, and working with kids & youth. 

DATES: June 3–24, 2024

Cross-Cultural Context: A pre-industrial, multi-religious, slow-paced, East African town; live with Pastor Hudson and his family
Faith Development: 体验东非基督教的灵恩形式
Ministry: Children - play with kids at Faith Children’s Home and help teach in classrooms; Preaching - serve Pastor Hudson’s church by preaching and teaching on Sundays and throughout the week
ER Slovakia

Come to Slovakia! 这是一个在有趣的环境中为基督迈出ag娱乐官网一步的机会-一个与CRU和来自世界各地的许多大学生合作的独特机会. You will be tutoring in a language camp, 通过与斯洛伐克学生交谈,帮助他们提高英语会话能力. 在这些对话中,你将有机会呈现基督爱的好消息, 看神在别人的生命中使用你. If you love Jesus, if you love students, 如果你喜欢在一个独特的文化中寻找乐趣, this experience is for you! 

DATES: June 28–July 18, 2024

Cross-Cultural Context: Strong family orientation; Loyal; Member of the E.U.; spend time with Regina, CRU staff in Košice and leader of the SpeakOut camp 
Faith Development: 高度相关的福音分享经验, 与斯洛伐克学生一起加深你对神的信心和知识
Ministry: Youth -- Engage with students and teach conversational English; Games, Worship, Real-Talk; Challenging and Rewarding 



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Summer 2022 Blog

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Emmaus Road Teams are 
funded in large part through 
the generosity of people like you. 
If you would like to support 
future teams, by clicking 
on the button below 
and select "Emmaus Road " 
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Finals Week Survival Kit

Support Emmaus Road by ordering 
a finals week survival kit for your 
student to encourage them through 
their week of finals, you can do so 
through our secure online order form. 
All proceeds will go to supporting 
our Emmaus Road program and teams. 
NOTE: Orders need to be placed 
by December 7th in order to be 
delivered in time for finals week. 

Learn More



Email us to set up an appointment. We look forward to meeting with you.



Student Leadership Team
Phone: 805-565-6806 (office)
Email: emmaus_road@aaay5.com

Staff Director:
Kelley Funk
Email: kfunk@aaay5.com